Better React app architectures Since its debut in 2013, React JS has been widely adopted as a technology favourite for web application development. JSX and by extension the virtual DOM
Remote working: Creating conditions for success Create a remote work environment where you will thrive. Tips on kit, ways of working, and avoiding burnout.
Upgrade Ghost using Blue-Green deployments & Amazon Lightsail Ghost is a powerful blogging platform with a promising roadmap of features, however updating to major releases can be problematic. An alternative approach to updating Ghost would be to use 'Blue-Green' deployments
Setup a Clojure Webserver with Jetty, Compojure, & Hiccup Clojure is a versatile programming language founded on dynamic principles. Its speed and coherence have made it a desireable candidate for microservice achitectures, however the learning
Typescript coverage with Mocha & NYC Typescript provides strict typing, empowering teams to build enterprise applications that scale. Whilst precompilers offer benefits to Javascript, they present interoperability challenges when performing coverage checks